Why Use Pendulums

People have been using pendulums to discover answers to all sorts of mundane and spiritual questions since ancient times. It’s a clear, easy way to calm and center your focus, and receive a direct answer from your higher consciousness.

When starting to work with your pendulum you enter into a meditative state. First thing is to discern what movement is a “yes” or a “no.” So ask your pendulum to tell you what means “Yes” or “No,” allowing it to become still between questions. There is no set answer. Often times the pendulum swinging clockwise is a “Yes,” and counterclockwise is a “No.” You may receive a vertical swing for “Yes,” and a horizontal swing for “No.” It is particular to your own energy and connection to the pendulum.

The pendulums created by Zoë have specific stones and charms. You may be looking for a pendulum to give you protection, or strength, or clarity. Below you will find a list of the crystals and their attributes.

Select your pendulum depending on your attraction to a color or the energy it provides.

Before and after using your pendulum you can clear any residual energies by using a cold water bath, or one with sea salt, or clearing in the moonlight.

When Beginning a session, set your intention to receive clear and honest answers, for the highest good of all concerned. Use your intuition to discern if the answer feels right. Phrase your questions so they can be answered with a “Yes” or “No” answer. An either/or questions needs to be asked with two questions.

Once you become familiar with your pendulum and how it interacts with your own spiritual awareness and intuition, you will find it is an effective and powerful tool for discovering your path. Pendulums allow you to take a minute or even a few seconds to consider a decision, so you don’t make snap decisions you regret later. Working with pendulums strengthens your intuitive awareness.